CERCC Highlights. "Restless Books".

Co-foun­ded by Ilan STAVANS and Joshua ELLISON, Restless Books began in 2013 as a digi­tal publi­sher of inter­na­tio­nal lite­ra­ture, in res­ponse to the paro­chial, inward-loo­king, and homo­ge­ni­zing trends in American publi­shing. "Our gui­ding convic­tion has always been that rea­ders are natu­rally hungry for new des­ti­na­tions, expe­rien­ces, and pers­pec­ti­ves. Restless set out to feed this hunger and curio­sity with a richer diet of inter­na­tio­nal lite­ra­ture, and to reclaim a sense of what it means to be rest­less—“stir­ring cons­tantly, desi­rous of action."

Restless is a not-for-profit cor­po­ra­tion in order to fur­ther our com­mit­ment to inter­na­tio­na­lism, diver­sity, immi­grant culture, and great lite­ra­ture at a time when those values have come under rene­wed threats.



©Crédits pho­to­gra­phi­ques, Robert Born.