Projet de recherche JORISS, Conférence du Professeur invité, Penghan WU (ECNU/ENS/ENSASE/CERCC)

La conférence se tiendra exceptionnellement à l’Ecole Nationale d’Architecture de Saint Etienne

China has been expe­rien­cing the rapi­dest urba­ni­sa­tion in the last decade, the hin­ter­land of China has become a front line of this evo­lu­tion. A huge trans­for­ma­tion is taking place in these enor­mous lands. All the cities are beco­ming more and more iden­ti­cal to one ano­ther, and their culture and iden­tity disap­pears in the urba­ni­sa­tion driven from capi­tal invest­ments. Following the invest­ments as they move from the city to the coun­try­side, we have to ask our­sel­ves "what will happen to the enor­mous variety of hin­ter­land cultu­res in the next decade ?" We are afraid and do not want to see the Chinese coun­try­side become the same, exactly like those of cities in the last decade. After the research on Russian Hinterland, direc­ted by Rem Koolhaas at Strelka Institute and AMO, Professor WU will share what is hap­pe­ning in the Chinese Hinterland with his resear­ches and prac­ti­ces, as they address an angle which dif­fers from the strictly urban.